if you recognize and understand the lyrics in the headline, then you're doing well ;)...don't worry, i'm not really like that =P i'm an electrical engineer...i work for an engineering firm, and at the same time, i'm getting my masters...my eventual goal is to get a PhD and then either end up R&D or become a professor...either way, something more on the "scientific side" of engineering, rather than being a cube monkey or a manager monkey lol aside from that, i'm really into the gym and physical activities...i can really hold my own at the weight room =D...all about working the mind and the body to me...as far as sports go, i took up boxing in recent times...before this, i played football for my undergrad college...fun times... i got on this website because i'm only into desi women...attraction ranges from cultural to physical...what can i say? i'm attracted to my own kind...i'm sure a lot of people out there can relate to that so feel free to hit me up =D